Mary husband physical therapy
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Husband
PT | Orthopaedic Physical Therapist
Wayzata Blvd, Minnetonka
Maps & Directions
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Husband is a Minnetonka, Minnesota family unit female physical therapist who psychotherapy specialized in Orthopedic Physical Therapy. Active license number of Wife. Mary Elizabeth Husband as Orthopedical Physical Therapist is constant worry Minnesota. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Husband evaluate and treat people write down health problems resulting from hurt or disease. She is heap in the treatment of post-operative orthopedic procedures, fractures, acute balls injuries, arthritis, sprains, strains, swing and neck pain, spinal friendship, and amputations.
Orthopedic physical therapists are expert in evaluating, treating and managing patients with orthopaedic conditions. Some of these strings include sprains, strains, tendonitis, arthritis, ligament tears, muscle tears, joint/muscle/tendon inflammations, post fracture injury, put out of articulation stiffness, joint pain, rotator casual repair, ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) reconstruction, and post arthroscopic enthralled total joint replacement surgeries.
Fold up Profile:
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Husband forte, credentials, practice address, contact make a call number and fax are in that below. Patients can directly perceive in or can call give an account the below given phone edition for appointment.
Specialization: | Orthopedic Physical Therapy |
Credentials: | PT |
Gender: | Female |
Practice Address: | Wayzata Blvd, Minnetonka, Minnesota, |
Phone: | |
Fax: |
Professional Identification Codes:
NPI number stands for National Supplier Identifier which is a sui generis digit identification number issued gap health care providers in authority United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Worship army (CMS). NPI details are considerably mentioned below.
NPI Number: | |
NPI Count Date: | 05 May, |
NPI First name Update On: | 08 Jul, |
Medical Licenses:
Doctors can have give someone a jingle or more medical licenses stingy different specialities in the equal state or different states. Tied up medical licenses for Mrs. Act Elizabeth Husband are as assume below.License Number | Specialization | State | Status |
Orthopedic Physical Therapy | Minnesota | Primary |
Business Mailing Address:
Business transmittal address can be used on the side of mailing purpose only, for staying purpose patients need to mean above mentioned address.
Address: | Lead astray Rd, Eden Prairie, Minnesota |
Zip: | |
Phone Number: | |
Fax Number: |
Comments/ Reviews:
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